This smart and advanced load cell converter will turn any strain-gage load cell to a “smart” digital load cell. Very low power consumption allows a load cell to run on standard batteries for several years! Built in temperature measurement and time/date clock. Standard RS485 communication with open protocol allows easy access from any PC / PLC

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Main Features:
Very low power consumption saves the need for an external power supply. Will run on 3 or 4 standard AA batteries for several years (depending upon the required sampling rate)
Standard RS485 communication open protocol with up to 64 units connected along one cable
Built–in date / time clock + temperature measurement that also compensates for L/C zero drift
Multi-point calibration including Hysteresis correction to improve load cell linearity or, direct entry of a mV/V calibration table. Calibration allows to choose readings resolution and engineering units as well as max load cell capacity to avoid overload. Calibration can be named e.g. S/N 123456 and locked with a password
Built-in Data-logger that stores up to 8,000 readings with date/time and temperature. Customer can easily set up the intervals between readings to be seconds, minutes, hours or even days...
Supplied with free PC applications, that allow direct reading of weight/force, temperature as well as setup of the sampling time for the data logging feature
Load cell can be used for tension and compression after the calibration, while zero remains in the middle
Typical applications:
Measuring testing and data-logging of forces of ground anchors, rock bolts etc.
Monitoring and data logging weights and temperatures in sites that has no power supply
Option for “Tailor made” firmware to fit any special requirement
Main Specifications:
Bridge Excitation: 3.3v
Minimum sensor impedance: 150 Ω Bridge sensitivity: ±3mV/V External power supply: 4.0V-24V Internal A/D resolution: 24bit
Internal sampling rate: Up to 1200 samples/second Operating temperature range: -30c — +70 c
I/O: 2 outputs + 1 input Opto- isolated Communication: Open RS485 protocol Size: 30mm X 23mm