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This smart and advanced load cell converter will turn any strain-gage load cell to a “smart” digital load cell. Very low power consumption allows a load cell to run on standard batteries for several years! Built in temperature measurement and time/date clock. Standard RS485 communication with open protocol allows easy access from any PC / PLC

Miniature Load-Cell Converter

Contact us  |  Tel: 972-48110877


Main Features:

  • Very low power consumption saves the need for an external power supply. Will run on 3 or 4 standard AA batteries for several years (depending upon the required sampling rate)

  • Standard RS485 communication open protocol with up to 64 units connected along one cable

  • Built–in date / time clock + temperature measurement that also compensates for L/C zero drift

  • Multi-point calibration including Hysteresis correction to improve load cell linearity  or, direct entry of a mV/V calibration table. Calibration allows to choose readings resolution and engineering units as well as max load cell capacity to avoid overload. Calibration can be named e.g. S/N 123456 and locked with a password

  • Built-in Data-logger that stores up to 8,000 readings with date/time and temperature. Customer can easily set up the intervals between readings to be seconds, minutes, hours or even days...

  • Supplied with free PC applications, that allow direct reading of weight/force, temperature as well as setup of the sampling time for the data logging feature

  • Load cell can be used for tension and compression after the calibration, while zero remains in the middle

Typical applications:

  • Measuring testing and data-logging of forces of ground anchors, rock bolts etc.

  • Monitoring and data logging weights and temperatures in sites that has no power supply

  • Option for “Tailor made” firmware to fit any special requirement


Main Specifications:

  • Bridge Excitation: 3.3v

  • Minimum sensor impedance: 150 Ω Bridge sensitivity: ±3mV/V External power supply: 4.0V-24V Internal A/D resolution: 24bit

  • Internal sampling rate: Up to 1200 samples/second Operating temperature range: -30c — +70 c

  • I/O: 2 outputs + 1 input Opto- isolated Communication: Open RS485 protocol Size: 30mm X 23mm

 אינדסטריאל מז'רמנט סיסטמס בע"מ (I.M.S. Ltd)

רח' שמשון 34, חיפה 3467802,

04-8110877 -

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